Installing datreant.core

You can install datreant.core from PyPI using pip:

pip install datreant.core

It is also possible to use --user to install into your user’s site-packages directory:

pip install --user datreant.core

Alternatively we also provide conda package.

conda install -c datreant datreant.core

All datreant packages currently support the following Python versions:

- 2.7
- 3.3
- 3.4
- 3.5


The dependencies of datreant.core are light, with many being pure-Python packages themselves. The current dependencies are:

- asciitree
- pathlib
- scandir
- six
- fuzzywuzzy

These are automatically installed when installing datreant.core.

Installing from source

To install from source, clone the repository and switch to the master branch

git clone
cd datreant.core
git checkout master

Installation of the packages is as simple as

pip install .

This installs datreant.core in the system wide python directory; this may require administrative privileges. If you have a virtualenv active, it will install the package within your virtualenv. See Setting up your development environment for more on setting up a proper development environment.

It is also possible to use --user to install into your user’s site-packages directory:

pip install --user .